Lacey DuValle’s Attitude Got Adjusted by my Cock

Derek and I were prowling for some new black pussy to play with over at the mall when we were about to call it a day. To make things worse the elevator broke on the parking garage and we had to hoof it up four flights of stairs but just about when we reached the top, down came this sweet honey going in the other direction. She was going so fast that she almost fell when I tried to rap to her. Lacey was frankly a bitch when I first started talking to her but I mellowed her out and asked her to chill with us at the studio. She was thinking hard about it but when the topic of money came up, the thinking was over. She hopped in the truck and by the time we hit the studio door, my hands were all up in that fine stuff. Lacey gave my hard black dick a good sucking. I stuck my dick inside her and we just went at it. I was all over her, fucking Lacey’s nice mocha pussy hard and grabbing on to her big tits. You don’t run into hot trim like this every day and I was going to make the most of it. I had Lacey’s knees up on her chest when I finally unloaded my nut all over her face. Now that’s what I call a true attitude adjustment.

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